Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Climate Change

“The State of World Climate 2025 - has the Earth reached its buffering capacity on CO2 and heat absorption?” Presented by Prof. Sommer

10 AM Arizona Time, on Saturday, February 22

Sign up at this link, https://actionnetwork.org/events/talksommer2025feb


“From Chernobyl to Nuclear Weapons: Connecting Anti-Militarism, Peacebuilding, and Climate Justice in Belarus”

presented by Peace and Climate activist Olga Karach

10:00 AM Arizona Time, on Sunday, Mar 9

Sign up at this link https://actionnetwork.org/events/march9olga-karach

11/24/24 -How to Stop Banks from Financing Climate Chaos - by Deniz Ozkil


9/2/23 - The Climate Problem - by Professor Stefan Sommer

9/9/2023 - Building a Path Forward - by Professor Stefan Sommer

9/23/23 - Climate Systems - by Greg Murray Ph.D.

10/7/23 - What's so great about Electric Vehicles - by, Bill Manteiga

10/21/23 - Cyclist Unite! - by Adam Shimoni

11/4/23 - Convincing the Unconvinced - by Rod Parnell, Ph.D.

11/18/23 - Green Burial (Sustainable after-life care) - by Lindsey Falkenburg

12/2/23 - Stop the Money Pipeline - by Professor Kim Curtis

12/16/23 - Climate Refugees and Arizona's Future - by Professor Stefan Sommer

1/1/24 - Hydrogen: The Hope and the Hype - by David Spence, M.D.

1/6/24 - Catalyzing Climate Action: Getting from Individual to Collective Action - by Katharina Maier

1/20/24 - Cold Weather Heat Pumps (with built-in A/C) - by Marco Alatorre

2/3/24 - Climate Justice, Community, and Equity - by Dr. Frances Riemer

2/17/24 - Religion and Climate Change - by Roy May, Ph.D.

3/2/24 - Gender and Climate Change: How Women are Leading Us to a More Sustainable Future - by Dr. Frances Riemer

3/26/24 - In the hottest year, where do we stand? Notes from the climate fight - by Bill McKibben

4/6/24 The Faith Community Helps Protect the Earth- by Dr. Tom English

5/25/24 Water, Climate Change and the Southwest - by Darren McCollum

6/27/24 Climate crisis: the need, obstacles, and potential for a just transition to a post fossil society by Dr. Staffan Laestadius, direct from Sweden

6/28/24 Wars in a warming world: synergies between climate change mitigation and conflict prevention by Nina von Uexkull, PhD., direct from Germany

6/29/24 Panel discussion of disarmament for welfare and the environment with East and South by Oleg Bodrov and Soumya Dutta, direct from Russia and India

8/31/24 - Building the Climate Movement by Zachary Brown, PhD

9/14/24 - Urban Cycling: Goals and Lessons for the Future by Adam Shimoni

9/24/24 - Climate is pushing forest fires to unsustainable levels by Dr. Peter Fulé

10/10/24 - End Nuclear Colonialism by Leona Morgan
