““It does not matter who is in power,
what matters is the grassroots.””
We promote climate justice when we take guidance from our local communities and how they have been impacted by the climate crisis.
We are stronger when we collaborate with others engaged in actions consistent with our vision. We are strongest when local residents en masse take action.
We understand that by remaining non-partisan and non-electoral, we can develop a broader base of activists. We foster initiatives that support the science of Climate Change regardless of whomever puts forth those ideas.
We welcome all persons to join our movement and do not discriminate, exclude, or treat people differently on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender or sexual orientation.
We acknowledge that consistent endeavors, not limited to election periods, open the eyes of government and corporate power-holders to the capacity we are building through prolonged organizing and campaigning.
NAZCCA supports and adheres to the Jemez Principles for Organizing as adopted by the Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice in December, 1996. You can find additional information here.
Our Vision
We seek to achieve a sustainable future where people’s power promotes and maintains a healthy environment and builds a society that is just, prosperous, and socially and economically equitable in a changing climate.
Our Mission
NAZCCA’s mission is to inform and engage people from all walks of life to join a broad and diverse climate movement across Northern Arizona. NAZCCA seeks to raise awareness of the threats of climate change and activate residents to organize and work toward solutions that reduce human impact on climate. By informing, engaging and training people to fight for change, we hope to achieve a future that is sustainable for all peoples and life on Earth.
The Change We Want to See
Governments and corporations and politicians have not taken the necessary action to reduce the impact of climate change adequately. The entrenched economic and political status quo, built on the continuing dependence on fossil fuels, is a barrier to progress. At the same time, our residents have been induced into states of doubt and even dismissal of the fact that the climate crisis is real, that it is man-made, and that we must react quickly to save ourselves and others, and ultimately our planet and species.
To break through this barrier, we believe that an organized movement of citizens must build up pressure for change by galvanizing public support, countering the power of vested interests, and showing that alternative pathways to a thriving global community are possible, desirable, and necessary for our survival.
To change these things, we need everyone, irrespective of partisan political preference, ethnic affiliation, sex or sexual preference. We value an ever-expanding movement that consistently brings in new constituencies, and fosters collaboration and coalition-building across local, county, and even states, and between diverse segments of the community. We need to escalate the pressure to make sure that change happens, and we must generate sufficient influence to make the needs, hopes, and visions of the grassroots become a force that no politicians can ignore.
Our work must always be guided by science, as well as justice. We do not mention constantly fixed goals or metrics. This reflects a belief that our movement is about much more than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or a specific limited goal. It is also about fundamentally challenging and changing the political and economic systems that lead to catastrophic climate change, and about building a future that works for people and the planet. As the climate crisis continues to evolve and government actions adjust, we anticipate that new short-term goals will emerge along the way.
#1. Recognizing that greenhouse gas emissions driven primarily by use of fossil fuels is the greatest threat we face in the climate crisis, promote actions to shift our region’s energy use to zero carbon emissions.
Counter industry and political narratives that promote dirty energy with science-based communication and creative storytelling.
Highlight the importance of shifting to renewable energy sources with zero carbon emissions.
Encourage all NAZCCA communities to achieve net zero emissions as soon as possible, in alignment with regional Climate Action Plans.
#2. Build a critical mass of grassroots support for a citizens’ movement to reverse the climate crisis.
Engage people beyond the committed group of activists already working for environmental justice.
Support and engage the community through respect, empowerment, and inclusion by encouraging local residents to take the initiative.
Build local Climate Action Teams in our various cities and communities in which team members lead as coordinators and facilitators.
Encourage local city and county governments to declare a climate emergency and create Climate Action Plans. Hold local officials accountable to develop and implement plans that will reverse the climate crisis.
Promote local government investment toward community-based, sustainable initiatives and renewable energy projects with locally-appropriate campaigns.
Collaborate with partner entities who are committed to accomplishing similar goals through co-sponsorship of events. Support our partners by helping to promote their activities among our members.
#3. Under leadership of the Board of Directors, create a culture in which all NAZCCA members are committed to achieving a diverse and sustainable funding base to ensure long-term growth.
Pursue grants from government, philanthropic, and corporate entities that will provide funding toward specific ventures as well as general operating expenses.
Develop fundraising campaigns to increase our donations through our on-line presence as well as planning live and virtual events for public consumption.
Regularly seek out corporate sponsorships that would renew on an annual basis from like-minded businesses who support our goals.
Increase our focus on personal giving by seeking to keep the need front-of-mind at each of our public presentations and events.
#4. Educate the public about the science of climate change and the range of solutions for mitigation of it. In the massive societal transitions needed to address the climate crisis, foster a Just Transition that encompasses all individuals and all of Earth’s living systems.
Develop innovative educational resources to reach people how, when, and where they want to learn, understanding that different people learn differently.
Identify and support specific strategic issue campaigns against dirty energy, overdevelopment in communities, overconsumption of available water sources, industry practices, and food and agricultural processes that contribute to the escalation of the climate crisis.
Promote assistance programs including job retraining for all fossil fuel workers to benefit affected citizens in the transition to clean energy and low carbon lifestyles to ensure no one is left behind.
Ensure people who are most affected by the climate crisis and an extractive economy are in the leadership circle of crafting solutions.
Collaborate with Indigenous, frontline people and communities across Northern Arizona to ally our work with specific strategies and campaigns that align with Just Transition Principles and local Indigenous perspectives and goals.
Core Values
NAZCCA upholds a set of Core Values:
NAZCCA is a grassroots climate movement, which unites behind the science.
NAZCCA is founded on facts, not politics and is non-partisan.
NAZCCA is committed to solidarity with front-line communities.
NAZCCA is decentralized and non-hierarchical and mitigated for power.
NAZCCA welcomes everyone. All are needed.
NAZCCA does not tolerate discrimination, bullying, or harassment.
NAZCCA encourages regular, persistent public action.
NAZCCA builds collaborative partnerships/relationships.
NAZCCA expects civil discourse, kindness and respect in all internal and external relationships.
NAZCCA prioritizes local participation.
NAZCCA uses awareness and regenerative culture.
NAZCCA does not blame and shame.
NAZCCA seeks in groups to apply these core values. Under repeated offenses, and if regeneration is to no avail, an individual can be asked to step out.
Find additional information regarding Just Transition Principles here at Just Transition Alliance and here at Indigenous Environmental Network.
You can find information regarding the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development established by world leaders in 2015 here.