Heat Pumps by Marco Alatorre
Cold Weather Heat Pumps Work REALLY Well:
Demonstration of a cold-weather central heat pump working well at 9°F or -13°C. This was recorded on Jan 20, 2023, as Flagstaff, AZ, was setting snowfall records (view here.)
Electrification by Marco Alatorre
How Much Money You Can Get to Renovate Your Home (and how much that'll save you each month):
I walk you through the $270B in Federal Incentives available through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to renovate your home and lower your monthly utility bills. UPDATE: At the time I recorded this I thought you couldn't get a Rebate and Tax Credit for the same item, but apparently you can. View Full Article here!
Arizona’s Energy Destiny
A conversation on the importance of renewable energy in Arizona and SB 1175 & HB 2248. Panelists include Anna Tovar (AZ Corporation Commissioner), Indira Nelson (Youth Activist), & Eric Descheenie (Director of Tribal Government Relations for the Navajo County Board of Supervisors & former member AZ House of Representatives)
Verde Valley Tool Lending Library
Interested in reducing your carbon footprint, learning about sustainable living, or becoming more connected to your community? A tool library enables access to tools that are otherwise sitting idle at home, helps reduce consumption, and promotes sustainability through resource-sharing.
Solutions to Climate Change: Personal or Political? Led by Dr. Gary Beverly
This presentation explores personal and policy solutions, including the Green New Deal and the book “Drawdown”. Gary Beverly has a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry. He is now retired and serves as Chair of the Yavapai Group of the Sierra Club and President of the Citizens Water Advocacy Group in Prescott.
Dr. Gary Beverly - Special Q & A Session for 2020 Earth Week Presentation
After video viewing of his powerful presentation: Solutions to Climate Change: Personal or Political? This video clip records the Q&As after the audience views the presentation.
Resetting Our Future ~ What if Solving the Climate Crisis is Simple? - Tom Bowman
Tom Bowman has never bought the idea that some problems are too complex to solve. In his book, Resetting Our Future: What if Solving the Climate Crisis Is Simple? Bowman slices through the misperceptions surrounding climate change. In the process, he offers a solution that is as accessible and inspiring as practical and achievable.
How We Achieved Carbon Neutrality - Electrified 1970s House Retrofit Tour.
See how our family achieved carbon neutrality in 2022 and tour the full electrification retrofit of our 1970s home.