Climate Change is already affecting human wellbeing in almost all parts of the Earth and certainly here in Arizona as well. Smaller climate pressures like rising temperatures have already lead to large numbers of climate migrants and larger climate pressures are now also leading to more and more climate refugees in our region. Current pressures and future projections will be discussed.
Registration is open for FREE Spring OLLI ONLINE course offerings. Participating in OLLI ONLINE help us all stay engaged, and connected -- Spring is blooming! This online class is sponsored by NAZCCA and Yavapai College OLLI Sedona & Verde Valley. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Climate Change will be discussed by Dr. Stefan Sommer, Director of Education at the Merriam Powell Center for Environmental Research at NAU. Dr. Sommer is the Director of Education at the Merriam Powell Center at NAU. His doctoral work is in ecological sustainability and he has studied effective communication across cultural boundaries in many contexts including PBS film production.