This event is co-sponsored by Yavapai College Sedona/Verde Campus OLLI program. This online zoom presentation is open to the public and you must register to receive the link to join.
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Climate Change: Building a Path Forward – If you have ever wondered what we can do about climate change then this is a presentation meant for you. This presentation will explore the solutions that have been put forward by research teams at university and government agencies and by many private groups and individuals looking to reduce their own carbon footprints. Global and regional plans to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 will be discussed.
Dr. Stefan Sommer is the Director of Education at the Merriam Powell Center for Environmental Research at NAU. Dr. Sommer is the Director of Education at the Merriam Powell Center at NAU. His doctoral work is in ecological sustainability and he has studied effective communication across cultural boundaries in many contexts including PBS film production.