All are invited to celebrate the launch of STEP at our first Open House.
Sedona Tools Empowering People, or STEP, is a community tool lending library located at the Sedona Public Library on White Bear Rd. The open house will be on November 20th, 1pm - 3pm.
- Hear a little about who we are, and our plans for the future
- Find out how you can borrow or donate tools, get involved & learn new skills
- Share your ideas about how we might grow and develop
At STEP we believe it's more important than ever to foster community, share resources, and help people to repair, reuse and reduce. We hope to see you there!
🔨 Sedona's Tools Empowering People (STEP) is part of the growing movement toward sustainability and a cleaner, more just future.
If you cannot make it to the event you can visit our webpage to learn more or join our volunteer team!