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This event is focused on food and our environment!

We will examine the impact of various food choices, including food-waste, and spotlight a cooking tutorial for a high-flavor, low-impact Burger: Smoky Braised Tempeh with a helping of environmental awareness by Chef Molly Beverly from Prescott Slow Foods.

The High-Flavor, Low-Impact Burger: Smoky Braised Tempeh With A Helping of Environmental Awareness

A powerpoint cooking demo from Chef Molly Beverly from Prescott Slow Foods

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Food Activist-Teacher-Caterer-Food Writer, Chair Slow Food Prescott

 Chef Molly Beverly is Prescott's creative food activist and teacher. Molly has taught cooking for over forty years and established a sustainable, educational food service at Prescott College from 2004-13. In retirement, Molly operates a catering business, an organic farm, and champions home and school gardens, food literacy, and food justice through Slow Food Prescott. She is a regular writer for Edible Phoenix and 5enses Magazine.