"We need tablers!"
Get to know new and beautiful people.
Talk to them about Climate Change.
Come by and visit to join in the discussion. Meet members of our Climate Action Teams. Learn about exciting events happening in Flagstaff.
Additional Volunteer Opportunites
Any of these dates are convenient for you?
October 7th from 11 am to 8 pm - Flagstaff Oktoberfest
October 14 from 9 am to 2 pm - Urban flea market at City Hall parking lot
Every Sunday throughout October, 8 am to 12 pm - Flagstaff Farmers Market
First Fridays all year at 6 pm, ART walk, Heritage Square, and downtown.
If so, let Jill know: JillKSteph@icloud.com, or feel free to sign up to Volunteer by clicking here!